Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We did it!

Wow what a ride!
I think that I have found one of the reasons I do these long events.  I wish that everyone could be in my shoes at the end of a race.  Being part of something, such as this race, that takes selflessness, devotion, dedication and a good sense of humor.  We all came together as individuals and worked together as a team through the heat, wind, storm,  fatigue and sleep depravation to get us through to the finish.  It is a fantastic feeling to work as a team toward a goal with people who like to have fun just as much as I do.  I can't wait to show the pictures that were taken while we were on the road.  Margaret brought a bunch of costumes for herself and everyone to wear while they were crewing.  Once I was too tired to notice that the whole crew was wearing thick black glasses with large noses.  Before I left them I figured it out, that kept me smiling for miles.  Most of the costumes were not so subtle, Margaret in a "Sponge bath Betty" nurse out fit.  Drew in a speedo and water wings.  Andrea with tube socks and a nighty.  Steve with his bare chested Buddha impression or his coconut shell chest and grass skirt.  Jodi did wear the glasses with the nose, someone had to hand me something to drink while everyone else was acting out their roles.
I did everything I knew to do to train for this race, I ran the mileage, I practiced on pavement, I did the heat training I even lost a few pounds.  However our 8th place overall finish is a  direct reflection of my Amazing Crew.  Badwater is a team event, no one runs this race alone.  We had our theories about how to keep me cool during the run but it was not until a few miles into the race that we got it figured out.  Everyone added something to this team that was invaluable.  I am so proud of our team, I love every quirky part of them!

Steve, Andrea, Drew, Jodi, Margaret and myself have just gone through an amazing experience together.  We get to keep this wonder feeling and all these memories forever.  

p.s. Thanks for following at home, it was really fun to read your posts and to get the voice and txt messages.  

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