Sunday, July 13, 2008

Buddha does Badwater

We have brought a little good luck charm with us to Death Valley.  I hope the owners don't mind. (better to ask forgiveness than permission).  So far he has brought us good luck and many funny pics. which will be published later. 
Maybe we will come home with a buddha scape book or something.  
That smile is too contagious... He makes you smile back.  We will see just how contagious that smile is tomorrow afternoon...


Natalie Hutchison Belnap said...

Along with Buddha I too wish you guys all the LUCK in the world. Lorie you are going to do GREAT! I cant wait to hear all about this adventure when you get back!

judi said...

Hey Y'all,
Well, I understand it's sort of cool in the Valley of Death today. Only a balmy 107 deg.? That's cheating a bit isn't it??
Just wanted to let you know I'm a bit chilled in the McKay crew quarters right's 70 deg...brrrrr!!
Stay cool. Maybe you could wrap a cool wet towl around your head. Wear a hat too. Don't want you to get too burned with the big yellow globe hanging out in the sky. That's the sun ya know.
Just wanted to send you a cheery note. Good luck, be careful.
Cathy C.

Margaret said...

Lorie started the race this morning at Badwater at 8 a.m. sharp! She and 19 others began their wave with smiles on their faces and a spring in their step. Wow. Simply amazing. The land is like nothing I've ever seen. Vast, hot, and a mountain range that rises to 11,000 feet, all while standing 282 ft. below sea level. Quite a sight. Lorie is doing well and began with about 12 minute miles. She has since slowed down to 15-16 minutes as her heart rate was a bit high. Keeping her cool is our greatest challenge. We're meeting her at least every mile and spraying her, switching out water bottles, and her cool ties. She also has little ice packs in her bra. Our crew stayed together until mile 17, at which time we split so some of us could go ahead and rest while others crewed her. We're switching off about every 4 hours...atleast that's the plan. So Jodi and I are hanging out at Stovepipe Wells in the A/C room. We found it after 1 hour of sitting outside in the heat. We're quick! Not sure about the next time we can our blog. Peace. Margaret

Judy Allen said...

Lorie and crew have been running for 8 hours and 59 minutes, and not one minute has gone by that they have not been on my mind. You are all tough and very prepared, I know it is going well. HOpefully all the postive thoughts everyone is sending are getting through the heat.
Keep each other pointed in the right direction, keep it fun, keep Lorie entertained with your numerous props, and don't let Budda melt!
I'll keep all my energy coming your way. This can be done!!!
Peace and Power